
Attracting Audiences for FAST Content

The FAST Summit puts a spotlight on the competition for attracting audiences for free, ad-support streamed TV content and the streaming brands’ partnerships with Smart device manufacturers. This is the next “industry battleground” for online ad-supported television. The Summit is split into two corresponding tracks, part one focuses on Marketing FAST while part two is dedicated to Marketing FAST for Hispanic audiences.

The agenda will be delivered in two parts:

Morning: Marketing FASTAfternoon: Marketing FAST to Hispanics



Morning Sessions – Marketing FAST

Monday, April 26, 2021
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM (EDT)

Networking in Exhibit Hall

10:30 AM - 10:35 AM (EDT)

Welcoming Remarks

Joe Schramm Bill Gannon
10:35 AM - 11:05 AM (EDT)

Opening Keynote – The State of FAST in 2021

This leading executive from a streaming service provider shares an insider’s perspective on the current state of this fast-growing, free, ad-supported segment of the connected tv industry, and identifies some of the special characteristics and advantages of FAST. The executive also offers suggestions for programmers and media buyers to leverage relationships with FAST providers.

E.B. MOSS Peter Blacker
11:10 AM - 11:40 AM (EDT)

What Advertisers Want

FAST offers advertisers and media buyers with affordable opportunities to hyper-target consumers. Hear from this panel of media buyers, and ad sales executives as they discuss the unique advantages that advertising on FAST can offer, now!

Jon Lafayette Stuart McLean Christian Monteleone Darren Olive
11:45 AM - 12:00 PM (EDT)

What FAST Audiences Watch

This 1-on-1 conversation offers perspectives about multiple choices of programming content for variety of audience segments. This conversation will also address the viewers willingness to embrace free streamed content in this increasingly competitive marketplace, especially when compared to other AVOD and SVOD services.

Jon Lafayette Rob Holmes
12:05 PM - 12:20 PM (EDT)

What FAST Audiences Want

This research presentation offers recent findings about audiences and their consumption of free-streamed content and makes comparisons to current demand of SVOD and traditional television programming.

Joe Schramm Alejandro Rojas
12:25 PM - 12:55 PM (EDT)

Attracting FAST Audience Segments

This panel of marketing executives from a FAST provider, a video search provider and a content management provider discuss the special challenges of attracting and serving the diverse content appetites of different audience segments on FAST services.  They also share best practices on driving awareness of programming, and for driving content viewership.

Vicki Lins Fern Feistel Scott Hancock Marty Lafferty
1:00 PM - 1:15 PM (EDT)

Partnering with Manufacturers

FAST brings along a set of special challenges.  For example, some services work with some smart devices while other services require a different smart device to function.  Explore the unique relationship between manufacturers and services providers in this fascinating fireside chat with a leading smart device manufacturer and a leading FAST provider.

George Winslow Colin Petrie-Norris
1:20 PM - 1:35 PM (EDT)

Distribution Fireside Chat

In our One on One conversation, Sean Doherty, Co Founder/CEO of Wurl, will share his unique perspective on 2021:The Year of Streaming TV, reflect upon the recent explosive growth of FAST networks and connected TV viewing, and explore upcoming developments in the global CTV business.

Cathy Rasenberger Sean Doherty
1:40 PM - 2:10 PM (EDT)

Securing Carriage on FAST

This panel of programming distributors and content executives at FAST service providers discuss the distinct facets of their mutual relationship in delivering free, ad supported streamer tv content directly to the consumer. Discover how FAST viewer consumption is redefining the content distribution business model.

Michael Malone David Chu Patrick Courtney Philippe Guelton
2:15 PM - 2:30 PM (EDT)

The Future of FAST Tech

This executive from a leading technology solutions provider discusses the tech that is currently powering FAST, the shape of FAST in the future, and how future tech advancements will enhance FAST channels.

Tom Butts Andrew Warman


Afternoon Sessions – Marketing FAST to Hispanics

Monday, April 26, 2021
2:35 PM - 3:00 PM (EDT)

Opening Keynote - FAST For Hispanics

Hispanics are a unique and profitable audience segment that are extraordinarily appealing to advertisers and to FAST service providers.  Listen to this interview with a leading executive from a streaming service provider which explores the current state and explosive growth of this fast-growing, free, ad-supported segment of the connected tv industry among Hispanic consumers in the U.S. and Latin America.

Tom Ryan Thomas Umstead
3:05 PM - 3:35 PM (EDT)

Securing Carriage For FAST Hispanic Content

This chat is about Hispanic programmers, distributors and the distinction between traditional AVOD and FAST content service providers. Hear perspectives on how the dynamics of the shared business relationship is changing as the demand for FAST delivered content grows among Hispanic consumers.

Cathy Rasenberger Burke Berendes Stefan Van Engen Hamed Nasseri
3:40 PM - 4:10 PM (EDT)

How Advertisers Are Targeting Hispanics with Fast

FAST offers advertisers and media buyers seeking to target Hispanic consumers with affordable and highly effective media alternatives.  This panel of media buyers, and ad sales executives discuss the advantages that media placed on FAST can offer for reaching Hispanics in today’s competitive market.

Court Stroud Karina Dobarro Chris Pizzurro René Santaella
4:15 PM - 4:30 PM (EDT)

FAST Audience Trends

This research presentation offers recent findings and viewership trends for FAST, AVOD, and SVOD, with regards to both the general market and Hispanic market.

Court Stroud Tara Gotch
4:35 PM - 4:50 PM (EDT)

Attracting Hispanic Audience Segments to FAST

Increasingly Hispanics are attracted to watching free ad supported streamed video content.  This conversation with a leader in Hispanic AVOD Streaming Space from a new FAST brand explores how the new service is attracting various audience segments among Hispanic viewers and driving awareness for their brand.

Adriana Waterston Rafael Urbina
4:55 PM - 5:00 PM (EDT)

Closing Remarks

Joe Schramm Bill Gannon
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM (EDT)

Happy Hour

Stop by for an informal networking event with peers at the end of the day. Move between two (2) rooms to network in this fun, social environment. Head to the pool or the bar to chat with other attendees. Simply join the Happy Hour from the Auditorium on the day.